If you think you have heat stress ...

The information provided about heat stress is for educational purposes only
and should not be considered medical advice.

Always consult a healthcare professional for specific health concerns.

If this is a life threatening situation

Call 000 immediately

for professional medical assistance

If you experience extreme heat stress

Follow these 10 critical steps to help save your life:

1. Move to a cooler place, preferably an air-conditioned room.

2. Lie down and elevate your legs to improve circulation.

3. Drink cool water or an electrolyte-rich sports drink if conscious.

4. Apply cool, wet cloths to your skin or take a cool shower.

5. Remove excess clothing to allow your body to cool down.

6. Fan yourself to increase airflow around your body.

7. Avoid strenuous activity until you recover.

8. Monitor your symptoms closely; watch for worsening signs.

9. Seek medical assistance if symptoms persist.

10. Stay hydrated regularly to prevent future occurrences.

Taking these steps can help you recover and prevent serious health complications from heat stress.