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25g Aqualyte hydration sachets for 600ml drink bottles

25g Aqualyte hydration sachets for 600ml drink bottles

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25g sachets

AUSTRALIAN Developed and Manufactured

Aqualyte hydration drink

25g sachets  

When mixed with water, each 25g sachet will make 600ml of Aqualyte.

25g sachets are a convenient size to carry in a bag.

On hand to top up the drink bottle as required.

Available flavours are                Orange, Lemon-Lime, and Berry.

Available package sizes (and quantities) are:     

  • 25g sachet     (x10, x50, x125, x250)
  • 80g sachet     (x20, x50, x100)
  • 480g tub        (x5, x10)
  • 800g sachet   (x5, x10) 

Proven Hydration for Sport & Industry

Hydration drinks can significantly help avoid heat stress by replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes.

These beverages often contain essential minerals like sodium and potassium, which support hydration and maintain body function during hot conditions.

Choosing hydration drinks over sugary or caffeinated beverages can enhance your ability to stay cool and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Why Aqualyte?

The low sugar content of Aqualyte makes it suitable for prolonged use and is a healthier alternative to other sports drinks.

The rapid absorption of Aqualyte prevents the feeling of fullness or bloating in the gut that can occur when drinking during exercise or competition. This rapid absorption allows you to consume what you need without discomfort.

Aqualyte is less acidic than other sports drinks, making it easy on the stomach and less damaging for your teeth.

Aqualyte is a cost-effective and convenient alternative to bottled drinks. Carry a couple of sachets in your bag and just mix with water when required.


Used by Western Australian mines and elite sports teams for more than 20 years.

If you work or play outside in the heat of the day, or indoors in extreme heat environments,

You need Aqualyte.

If your workplace is not supporting their workers in environments where heat stress can lead to accidents, they may have an OH&S issue they need to address. 

They need Aqualyte.

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